
Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Return of the Sweater from Hell

After an accidental two-week break, I had hoped to have more to show. But, during that time, my 75 year-old grandpa had back surgery and recovered more slowly than expected; then I had an abscessed tooth and am still waiting to get the root canal; and started a part-time job at a local craft store. Gramps is doing well now, back at home and walking with only a cane for assistance; my tooth pain and discomfort has subsided, but I didn't do much besides sleep and complain for a while. Tonight was my impromptu first day at the new gig, and I thought it went well. That said, I do have two things to show.

The oft-mentioned "movie theater sweater" aka "sweater from hell" was, briefly, finished and blocked.

If you can see T.R. Knight in the background, it's because we were watching Grey's Anatomy reruns and I forgot to turn it off.

It wasn't quite hanging the way I wanted, because I should have placed the buttons higher. Which sounds like an easy fix, except for the placement of the button holes.

So I ripped out the button bands and color (luckily, from picked up stitches around the garment edges, and knit in one piece).

Pictures coming soon, but I am much happier with it.

On the needles, a baby sweater for my fiancé's cousin, who with his wife is expecting his second child in early March.

 I'll share the details once it's finished :). I'd better get knitting!

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